Course 1: Export Foundation Training
Module 2: Determining Your Company’s Export Readiness
Module Rating
Module 2 of 7
~32 minutes
4 Topics
Multiple Assessments

This is the second free module of a comprehensive course covering the foundations of export training. In this module, we will be providing you with export assistance by breaking down the threats and opportunities associated with exporting. This is followed by a direct comparison between domestic and export sales. Setting the stage to begin a breakdown of export readiness, which is further divided into organisational requirements and product requirements. For many, export readiness is the start of their export informational journey, however, there are many key concepts and topics that help better form the foundation of your understanding of exports. Check out module 1 to strengthen your knowledge, if you have not yet. Alternatively, if you are up to date, click the link below to get started on module 2.
Who is this Module for?
Businesses & Organisations
who have identified an opportunity to expand their product range into foreign trade markets
Governmental Organisations
looking to stay current on export readiness or require potential export assistance
Entrepreneurs & Individuals
with a basic understanding of the global trading environment looking to grow their knowledge of export readiness
Trade Consultants
looking to expand their knowledge of export readiness and the stages involved
Businesses & Organisations
running into business or product issues trying to expand to foreign trade markets
Having explored the global trading environment, you should have a strong understanding of the export landscape. The next step is to begin optimising your business and products to be export ready. However before we can start, there are a couple of important topics to cover. The first being the benefits and challenges associated with exporting to aid your export assistance. There are many wonderful benefits to exporting your products, however every opportunity comes with potential threats, all of which are essential factors in determining your export readiness. Another essential comparison is the difference between domestic and export sales. Understanding these differences provides valuable insights into the potential opportunities and challenges you may come across on your export readiness journey. This includes foreign trade challenges like foreign exchange risk and exchange control regulations. Understanding foreign exchange controls is an essential part of managing your foreign exchange risk.
Now that we understand the difference between domestic and export sales, and the potential threats and opportunities associated with them, the next logical step is to begin assessing your export readiness. There are two main components of export readiness, namely organisational readiness and product readiness. We break down company prerequisites for participating in exports and how to assess whether your company is fully export ready. This is followed by the final topic covering product export readiness. Which includes a breakdown of key terms like exportability and how to determine exactly what your products need to comply with international standards.
As part of this module we have also developed an export readiness assessment tool, which is the second item of this lesson. Armed with the knowledge acquired from the first two modules of this course, the export readiness assessment tool provides an opportunity for you to apply that knowledge and determine your company and product export readiness. We recommend, if you have not already, to complete modules 1 and 2 prior to using the export readiness assessment tool to ensure you get the most out of it. Export assistance can be a challenge, but with this course we will take you through every step of the way to ensure you make successful foreign trades in the foreseeable future.
This free module and export readiness assessment tool are essential for your export readiness journey. They provide you with the theory and tools to determine your exportability both from an organisational and product point of view. They also prepare you for the next essential step covered in module 3 which takes an introductory look at international marketing. After all, being export ready is only one of the first steps. Understanding how to market yourself on a global level is essential as it facilitates foreign trade interest in your goods. All of which pose unique challenges from market to market.
Topic 1: Benefits and challenges associated with export
Topic 2: The difference between domestic sales and export sales
Topic 3: Company requirements for engaging in exports
Topic 4: Assessing your products exportability
Additional Content: Export Readiness Assessment Tool
This is the second module in a series of seven to form a comprehensive course covering all the foundations of export training. If you are looking for export assistance, this is your ultimate source. Every course and subsequent module has been developed and curated by the International Trade Institute of Southern Africa and Trade Forward Southern Africa. The entire training course is free of charge and can be completed by individuals and organisations alike. If you know anyone that would be interested, share this module with them using the link below. We would also love your feedback, so drop us a review once you have completed the module.