International Finance

Dedicating financial resources to marketing for exports and getting your company export ready is done in an effort to make a profit on your export sales. However, it does not matter if you have negotiated the use of the most suitable Incoterm® or even got your buyer to agree to the most profitable price. If your buyer doesn't pay you, it will all be in vain.
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Documents play an essential role in successfully exporting your products to your international buyer and are often key to getting paid. Export documents also prove that certain procedures have taken place or serve as instructions that specific tasks must take place. The relevance and accuracy of documentation are essential to your success in the export market. However, for your documents to be relevant and accurate, you need to understand their purpose and why they are essential.
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The parties to an export credit insurance contract are the insured and the credit insurer. The insured is an individual or company which acquires insurance cover or protection against the risk of non-payment for goods or services exported to a foreign destination. A credit insurer is a company which provides export credit insurance cover against the risk of non-payment by a foreign buyer.
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For an exporter, financial risk in international trade usually manifests itself as non-payment by a foreign buyer. Thus, as an exporter, your ability to manage international financial risk is essential to your company getting paid. Ultimately, the right Incoterm®, the right export marketing plan and an ideal mode of transport mean nothing if your buyer doesn't pay you!
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When determining how much foreign currency is needed to match your local currency price for a consignment of goods, you will need to understand how foreign exchange rates work. This article focuses on foreign exchange rates and foreign exchange transactions.
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As we discussed in our 'payment methods in international trade' article, a letter of credit offers an exporter protection against the risk of non-payment by a foreign buyer. Under a letter of credit, the issuing bank in the buyer's country agrees to pay the agreed amount of money on the condition that the exporter presents certain documents and complies with the terms of the letter of credit. This article elaborates on the mechanics of a letter of credit.
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Spending financial resources on marketing for exports, getting your company export ready and doing countless research on Incoterms®, free trade blocs, international competition etc., is all done in an effort to make a profit on your export sales. However, if your buyer doesn't pay you, you will see no gains and be out of pocket for expenses!
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You could have a fantastic product, the greatest export marketing plan and even transport your goods to your buyer utilising the most appropriate mode of transport and Incoterm®; however, it all means nothing if you don't get paid. Engaging in international trade is risky. Not only do you have to contend with the risk of your product being damaged, lost or stolen during transit, but you must consider the risks of not getting paid.
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