International Marketing

Business executives require a great deal of insight and information in order to identify the most viable markets for international expansion. Their investigations need to encompass each potential market’s international environments
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For businesses investigating the international environment with a view to exporting, there are some pivotal international marketing decisions to be made before an export marketing plan can be finalised. One of these decisions is your company’s market entry strategy, which will be dependent on a number of factors.
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So, you finally have a seemingly exportable product; it meets the trade statutory requirements of the importing country, and it can easily be modified to meet the needs of your potential new market. A third consideration, however, is missing. That consideration is the product-market relationship, in other words, the sales potential of your products in your prospective international marketing environments. 
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Making the transition from domestic sales to foreign sales requires a comprehensive understanding of the international environment. In order to develop your export marketing plan, a great deal of research and analysis must be done prior to market engagement.
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Export business relies heavily on documentation. When shipping your goods to foreign markets, documents play a key role in getting them to your buyer and ensuring that you get paid. Furthermore, they can prove that procedures have been followed, should the need to claim from an insurance policy arise.
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